Thursday, 25 February 2016

Activity 7 Social Media in teaching and professional development

Just like technology, social media is progressing at an accelerated rate.  As this image shows, there is now a plethora of social media sites available.

What are some of the key features of social media that you have identified as being beneficial for teaching and learning?

The advantage of using social media in teaching and learning is that it is a tool to allow us is to prepare learners for successful 21st century living.  As outlined in the vision of the New Zealand Curriculum (2007, p8) ‘… every young New Zealander is a confident, connected, lifelong learner …

 Also, most of our students are already using digital tools at home, so why should we ask them to power off when they come to school (Tvoparents, 2013)?  Social media allows the student to connect, collaborate, communicate and create naturally.

Finally, social media allows a sense of immediacy, that participation and feedback gives.  When students put work up and family comment on it, it strengthens family relationships and connectedness in the social media context, and allows learning to have a purpose (Wenmoth. nd).

What are potential challenges that teachers need to be aware of when integrating social networking platforms into teaching activities?

There are many potential challenges, the first being the issue of equity.  Before a school becomes a BYOD school, there needs to be discussion around how many devices the school will purchase to cover the situation of parents who are unable to afford devices, or for other reasons refuse to purchase one for their child.

The second issue has to do with online safety.  As Social Media for Kids® (2014) mentioned children need to learn how to keep themselves safe and maintain anonymity.  Also, they need to know what to do when confronted with self, community or school cyber bullying.
The final issue is another school issue, and that is the misuse and abuse of any portable devices.  We have a ‘kawa of care’ agreement that outlines to both parents and students what the outcomes will be if they are found breaking any points in agreement.

What social media platform do you feel best supports engagement with your professional development? Why?

For my professional development I use twitter, VLN, The Mindlab google+ community andFacebook.  I use these particular platforms as they are easily accessed and have New Zealand content.  There are groups and people I follow on twitter, as I find many of the tweets cause me to reflect and question my practice as both a leader and a teacher.

The VLN is a place to go to for professional development when I am unable to physically attend courses and workshops.  Once again, the groups I belong to have likeminded people and the discussions are valuable.

How would you use social media to enhance your professional development?

The using of social media is gaining importance in the education sphere; an example of this is an Education Council website devoted to educating teachers about social media.  On this website they say, ‘as a member of the profession you should seek and respond to opportunities to share knowledge and discuss concerns.’

To enhance my professional development I would use twitter.  I can connect with those involved in education to build up my personal learning network.  I can get links to articles, resources and other material about any aspect of education.  I can collaborate, ask questions, seek advice and reply to others' tweets. I can collaborate with people in New Zealand and in other places around the world.

Education Council. (n.d.). Teachers and social media.  Retrieved from

Ministry of Education (20017).  The New Zealand curriculum. Retrieved from

Seaman, J. (2013). Social media for teaching and learning. Pearson Learning: Boston. Retrieved from,0

Social Media for Kids, (2014, Aug 15). Social media for kids®.  [Video file]. Retrieved from
Tevoparents, (2013, May21). Using social media in the classroom.  [Video file].  Retrieved from

Wenmoth, D. (n.d.) Benefits of social media. [Video file].  Retrieved from


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